Overcome Guilt and Shame through Counseling in Boise, ID

As a psychologist, I find that guilt is oftentimes worse than useless. The cost of guilt is anxiety, depression, obsessions, physical illness, and much more. Although guilt is a painful emotion that can haunt people for years, some people would say that it may serve a positive purpose. These people have been programmed (like most of us) to believe that guilt promotes self-improvement and if people didn’t experience guilt they would do horrible things.
Here is the thing… people who don’t feel guilt usually don’t change their behavior anyhow and those who are prone to guilt don’t need it to make changes in the positive direction. Guilt is a pejorative and punishing form of trying to enforce change, but once this sense of punishment is removed then people tend to revert back to the destructive behavior (this is clearly seen with addiction and domestic violence). Real changes happen in therapy with insight, compassion, and understanding. Think about it. When you have really changed any type of negative behavior, it was based out of insight and transformation rather than because you were feeling terrible and trying not to be a bad person. Guilt is an emotion that is trying to motivate us to do the impossible… it is driving us to undo the past. This is why people get stuck with it. Because your deeper mind is trying to motivate you through emotion to un-bake that cake. Have you ever tried to un-bake a cake? Well, if you haven’t, I would highly suggest not trying because it is a complete waste of time.
Guilt is a mental, physical, and spiritual energy drain. When people come to realize that they were doing the best they could at that particular time and for whatever reason, they thought that it was the best thing to do at the time, they start to come to accept reality and things start to get unstuck. I use other therapeutic techniques to help make these changes effortless and at a very deep level. I use these effective therapeutic techniques to help clear the guilt so that you can use the energy that was being wasted in a more beneficial manner.
For instance, do you want the surgeon who is operating on you racked with guilt because she cheated on her husband, do you want the airline pilot of your plane to be preoccupied with having had an abortion? My guess is that your answer would be “no” because you would want your surgeon, pilot, dentist, romantic partner, etc. being able to be fully present with you and what they are doing in their life. I find that what is good for you is also good for the rest of the world and as soon as you are free of your guilt, you will be able to use all of that energy in a positive manner that benefits not only your life but the lives of others.
I would love to talk to you and see how I can help you be free of your guilt and anxiety.
Here is the thing… people who don’t feel guilt usually don’t change their behavior anyhow and those who are prone to guilt don’t need it to make changes in the positive direction. Guilt is a pejorative and punishing form of trying to enforce change, but once this sense of punishment is removed then people tend to revert back to the destructive behavior (this is clearly seen with addiction and domestic violence). Real changes happen in therapy with insight, compassion, and understanding. Think about it. When you have really changed any type of negative behavior, it was based out of insight and transformation rather than because you were feeling terrible and trying not to be a bad person. Guilt is an emotion that is trying to motivate us to do the impossible… it is driving us to undo the past. This is why people get stuck with it. Because your deeper mind is trying to motivate you through emotion to un-bake that cake. Have you ever tried to un-bake a cake? Well, if you haven’t, I would highly suggest not trying because it is a complete waste of time.
Guilt is a mental, physical, and spiritual energy drain. When people come to realize that they were doing the best they could at that particular time and for whatever reason, they thought that it was the best thing to do at the time, they start to come to accept reality and things start to get unstuck. I use other therapeutic techniques to help make these changes effortless and at a very deep level. I use these effective therapeutic techniques to help clear the guilt so that you can use the energy that was being wasted in a more beneficial manner.
For instance, do you want the surgeon who is operating on you racked with guilt because she cheated on her husband, do you want the airline pilot of your plane to be preoccupied with having had an abortion? My guess is that your answer would be “no” because you would want your surgeon, pilot, dentist, romantic partner, etc. being able to be fully present with you and what they are doing in their life. I find that what is good for you is also good for the rest of the world and as soon as you are free of your guilt, you will be able to use all of that energy in a positive manner that benefits not only your life but the lives of others.
I would love to talk to you and see how I can help you be free of your guilt and anxiety.